Beachamwell Groups
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Afternoon Tea & chat
We have ‘Afternoon Tea and Chat’ in the Village Hall from 2 till 4pm on the third Wednesday of each month and it is a great way to meet other people. This is for everyone in the village. Please note that there is a suggested yet optional donation of £2.50 per person to help cover costs. This is not a fundraising event — it is simply a chance to have a pot of tea (or mug of coffee) and a piece of homemade cake and meet up with other villagers. Everybody is very welcome and the number of people attending each month varies between 15 and 30 people. A really lovely regular event.
Contact: Gay, 01366 328108
Art Group
This is a friendly group that meets in the village hall three times a month. Workshops are held monthly by external tutors taking place on a Saturday. Workshops have been held on various aspects of printing, drawing and painting in acrylics. Regular meet ups are on a Monday, usually the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. For more info the organiser is Leah – contact or ring 01366 328536.
Book Group
Beachamwell Book Group meets in the village hall at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of every month, except January.
Wednesday Walkers
Those who enjoy walking and riding will be able to explore the twenty-four rights of way that criss-cross the parish of Beachamwell. Paths, such as the one that crosses Beachamwell Warren, Swaffham Forest and quiet tracks into Swaffham town, give scope for longer expeditions. Other excellent local walking opportunities are to be found in Swaffham Forest, accessed from either side of the Drymere to Swaffham Rd, or from the Larchwood to Cockley Cley Rd and from the A1122. A map showing some of these rights of way is displayed outside the Village Hall. The local Ramblers Association also occasionally include Beachamwell in their regular walks around west Norfolk (tel: 01553 679277), as does the Fit Together – Walking for Health Programme, see the Swaffham Newsletter.
Friends of St Mary's Church
Friends of St Mary’s group has been formed and already there are exciting activities planned to raise money during the year. If you are interested in supporting them you could actively join in their activities, make a donation or come up with your own fundraising ideas. They would be delighted to see you and have your support.