
Bike Rack

🚴‍♂️ Great News! Thank you to Malcolm from the Village Hall Committee for sorting out a bicycle rack which has been installed at the village hall! 🌳🚲 Now cyclists in Beachamwell can securely park their bikes while they take a break and enjoy the village. It’s available to everyone – a fantastic way to ‘go green,’ ditch the car, and cycle to the hall. Let’s pedal towards a greener future together! 🌿 #GoGreen #CyclingCommunity

Diary Date: St Mary's Church 'Topping Out' Ceremony

Friday 24th May, from 2.15pm. 
Village Green
There will be a Topping Out Ceremony to celebrate the weatherproofing of the church now that all the roofs are restored. This Ceremony will take place on Friday 24th May 2024, assembling from 2.15pm on the village green. At 3pm there will be a toast, delivered by the President of the Norfolk Churches Trust, Lord Dannatt. It is hoped that he will be accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, his wife, Lady Dannatt.
There will be an opportunity for parishioners to see inside the church and members of the PCC will be available to answer questions about the ongoing restoration work, including the level access for all into the building.

Diary Date: Tropic Skincare Open House hosted by Sarah Cheeseman

Saturday 13th April 10.00 – 12.00
11 Chestnut Walk, Beachamwell

An invitation to pop round to see/try the Tropic Skincare Range. See and try the products, whilst catching up with friends over a cuppa and some cake. For any purchase made on the day, I will donate 10% of the sales to the Village Hall Committee.

Tropic is one of the UK’s fastest growing skincare businesses, with a intimate purpose to help create a healthier, greener, more empowered world 🌍 Products are vegan, cruelty free, 100% natural or naturally derived & you will find NO artificial chemicals, preservative or known hormone disruptors in any of our products. A certified carbon neutral company and one that gives back too, with 10% of profits donated.
Look forward to meeting some new faces.
Sarah Cheeseman – 07717 061793

Diary Date: A Talk by the Lady Young of Cookham - Aug 3rd

Beachamwell PCC present A Talk by the Lady Young of Cookham
August 3rd 5.00pm in Beachamwell Village Hall

Aurelia is the elder daughter of Oscar Nemon and his wife Patricia (neé Villiers-Stuart and whose home was Beachamwell Hall in Norfolk).  Aurelia’s childhood was at her family home in Oxfordshire with her parents, brother Falcon and sister Electra.  As an adult she spent considerable time at her father’s studios.  She is married to George Young, an MP for 41 years, and now Lord Young of Cookham.

Oscar Nemon (1906-85), known as Nemon, is one of the 20th century’s greatest sculptors, as testified by his iconic portraits of elder statesmen and major figures displayed all over the world.  He was a flamboyant personality who charmed those who met him, including towering figures such as Sir Winston Churchill, Sigmund Freud, HM Queen Elizabeth II and countless politicians and celebrities.

To book contact Peter Berendt, (Churchwarden) at Tickets £10.00 [under 16’s free] will include entry to the talk, post talk refreshments (alcohol/soft drink and canapés)

Payment via Bacs: Account Name: Beachamwell Parochial Church Council Account no: 10157295 | Sort code: 20-28-20 OR Cheque: payable to Beachamwell Parochial Church Council and sent to Mrs Pat Clarke, PCC Treasurer, Pinetrees, Shingham Lane, Beachamwell, PE37 8AY

Want to get involved?

Norfolk Churches Trust

Sponsored Ride or Drive or Walk
Saturday, 14th September 202

Is there anyone in Beachamwell or Shingham or Drymere who would take part in this event on our behalf?

If you could visit some of the churches around Norfolk on the 14th September you would raise funds, not only for the NCT (who are very generous to us through grants), but you would also raise much needed money towards the uninsured elements of the restoration of St. Mary’s.

To learn more call Sue, on 01366 328452.

Let's all be speed aware

Please watch your speed!

It doesn’t matter how many ways the sign is presented the message is still 30 mph legal speed limit.

We’re trying to crack down on speeding in the village. How would it feel if we were speeding and hit someone or an animal [wild or domesticated?]  It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it!

We need to be more diligent when we are in the village. PLEASE take heed of the signs so we can stop the unnecessary speeding.

Spring Dates for your Diary

Join us in celebrating Village Halls Week – 18th to 24th March where on Friday 22nd March we will be doing our very own twist on this year’s theme which is ‘going green’ at our monthly Pop Up Pub.  We’re encouraging everybody to ‘wear something green’.

Beachamwell Village Hall – Annual General Meeting
Thursday 11th April 7.30pm – ALL WELCOME.

Beachamwell Pop Up Pub – Friday March 22nd, Friday April 26th and Friday May 24th. 

Dance the Night Away at Beachamwell Village Hall – Saturday Night Dance – 11th May from 7pm.

Beachamwell Open Gardens – Sunday 2nd June.

80th Anniversary of D-Day –  celebration in the Village Hall – details tbc – Saturday 8th June. 


Support for St Mary's Beachamwell

8th March, 2024

St Mary’s was visited by the Rt Hon Liz Truss, MP for SW Norfolk.

She visited the church very shortly after the fire and had also seen it before the fire when visiting the village fete some years ago.

She was pleased with the progress that the PCC and its various contractors had made in the church’s restoration and offered her full support to getting the job finished.

Beachamwell Annual Parish Meeting - 12th March

Tuesday 12th March, 2024 from 6.30pm at Beachamwell Village Hall. Arrival and refreshments from 6pm.

Everyone welcome. Presentations include:
Progress on Church
Village Hall Report
Parish Council Report

If you belong to a village organisation and would like to make a presentation, please contact the Clerk on 07355 694133 or email

Download Agenda

Winter Update - restoration - St Mary's

The scaffolding is down and the church is looking great, despite the volume of rain and inclement weather we’ve experienced.  The interior space now shows off the beautiful craftsmanship that is the new roofs, both in the nave and chancel and the south aisle. The stonemasons are hard at work offsite, preparing the new stonework for the north and south windows. The thatchers have really worked their magic and have been finishing the necessary dressing of the thatch around the eaves. Thatching team Jamie, Tom and Miles have done an incredible job – we now have a beautiful and fitting thatched roof for our church once more. A highlight is the lovely scalloping on the north face above the eaves.

Shingham Phone Box Update

Good news! We now have full approval from Beachamwell Parish Council to progress with our refurbishment of the Shingham Phone Box. Full steam ahead in the Spring. Materials, including the official paint have been obtained. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project so far. Materials are safe and any donated unspent funds are being held until we pick the project back up in the Spring. Your support is appreciated. Roll on Spring! Contact: Clare Millar, The Chapel, Shingham 07908 730188.

60 years of Beachamwell Village Hall

A big thank you to everyone who helped celebrate 60 years of Beachamwell Village Hall. 

Beachamwell Village Hall’s 60th Birthday Party. 25th November 2023.